Design, Develop, Create

Thursday, 24 October 2024

A reflective journal gathering learning and observations

25% Reflective Assignment consists of two parts: Designated homework completed during term (10 marks). Plus a reflective journal/writing  that combines readings, learning and observations due at the end of week 12 (15 marks).

The reflective journal component is to Write an up-to-12-page reflection paper. The page count does include the References section. The page count does not include the Appendix section.

The structure of the reflection is intentionally open-ended to allow you to shape it in a meaningful way according to your own reactions to the course material and exercises run during term, your interactions with colleagues, and how you might relate them back to your own professional experience.

Graphs, images, tables are only to be indicated by caption and cross-reference text e.g., <<Table 1 goes here >> or << Figure 1 goes here>>. Copies of the actual tables, figures, images will go into the appendix. There is no page limit on the size of the appendix.

Note: Any graphs, images, tables etc. must be placed in the appendix after the References section, they are not to be included in the main body of the paper as they will distort the quantum of writing.

Template: You must use and conform with a specific scientific conference template for the paper using the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) template. Copies are available on (Google Drive link). You may choose between either the LaTeX or Word template.

Papers should be submitted as a ".pdf" file. Note: By using the template, you will automatically and naturally be producing a document that complies with the required format (page layout, fonts and font sizes, line spacing, heading styles, reference style etc.).

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Knowledge Navigator (Apple 1987)

Considering recent announcements and commentary (e.g. Platformer link) surrounding the arrival of AI agents (early days yet) I thought it was timely to remember the Knowledge Navigator video from Apple, circa 1987. Apple shared its then vision of a "future computing system and how people might use it to navigate worlds of knowledge."

Just search for "Knowledge Navigator" or use the link below.

Knowledge Navigator video

Friday, 18 October 2024

The Guindon Design Experiment

This experiment is an adaptation of the Spaghetti Cantilever Teambuilding Exercise. Organise into large and small groups (from 4 or 5 people to 8 or 9 people).
• Each group will employ a ‘thinking aloud’ protocol as they run the experiment.
• The cantilever designers should highlight key transitions or changes in their thinking about the problem.
One person will act as the researcher, capturing a time-record of the designers’ abstraction level and time at any moment. The researcher will make judgements about the abstraction level. The researcher is not allowed to take part in the design and construction.
• Change the person in the researcher role every 5 minutes to give all team members an opportunity to contribute to the cantilever design and construction.

Resources for 10 groups

Include the following observations on the ‘Design Activity Graph.’
• Scenario thinking
• Requirement thinking
• High level solution thinking/building
• Medium level solution thinking/building
• Low level solution thinking/building
• Key ideas.
• Testing or Review.

Example of one group's design-construction activity chart

Spaghetti Cantilever Exercise
An exercise in design and coordination (adapted from Patrick Stacey’s boundary object seminar). This exercise resonates with Peter Skillman's 'Marshmallow Challenge.'

Allocate at approximately 1 hour to run this exercise. 10" setup and briefing. 30" experiment. 5" extra time. 15" debriefing.

You will need a large space with scattered desks to accommodate the exercise. Tiered lecture theaters are not suitable environments for this activity.

Practical Aim: Construct a cantilever extending from a surface, such as a table top.
Knowledge Aim: To assess the different activities people engage in open-ended problem solving.

For construction each group is given a pack of spaghetti, a roll of tape, 2 sheets of A4 paper. Pens are for writing and not to be used in the structure!
Each group to be given a sheet of graph paper to capture the team's Guindon graph.
The tutor will need a timer and tape measure.

Competitive dimension/evaluation: Which group will construct the longest cantilever, - it must not touch the floor!
The tutor will need a measuring tape to measure and compare the length of the cantilevers.

Ask each group to classify the activities they underwent (perhaps over 4 or 6 distinct kinds of activity)
Ask each group to estimate how much time they spent on each activity.
Ask the groups to reflect on how they won (or lost!) and to reflect on the contributions their different experience, backgrounds, disciplines made to the solution.
Were there collaboration problems? What boundary objects used to make sense of the challenge?
What evidence of design work is available (diagrams, prototypes, experimental trials)?

Class of 2024/25 (25" deadline announced at 20")
Group IDTest 1Final Span (cm)
AlphaCatastrophic collapse10cm

Class of 2019/20
Group IDTest 1Final Span (cm)

Class of 2013/14

Group IDTest 1Final Span (cm)

Class of 2013/14 FT

Group IDTest 1Final Span (cm)
jOK18cm, 18cm

Class of 2012/13 

Group IDTest 1Final Height
g3/446cm (74cm)

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Product (inc. Service) Design Resources

The Service Design Tools site is a wonderfully detailed collection of resources suited to evaluating user contexts, for helping you adopt a `design attitude'. The resource is supported by an on-going project aimed at bridging education, academic research and professional practices.

The design methods finder offers another possible source of inspiration for identifying research (and design) methods to apply to your own design research project.

The Nielsen Norman Group (Jakob Nielsen, Donald A. Norman, Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini) has been behind a sustained drive to professionalise high tech design by defining a new kind of occupation; Interaction Design.
This is (was) Jakob Nielsen's site for sharing thoughts on the principles of interaction design, events and ID community material.

Bruce Tognazzini's site and his take on design principles.

Friday, 4 October 2024

PNP Arcade - an outlet for creators to self-publish print and play games

 Like the title says - PNP Arcade - an outlet for creators to self-publish print and play games. Some games are free to download, others are pay per download. PNP Arcade promotes a Game of the Week, New Games, lists of publishers, and also offers a wealth of support and guidance for new Game Designers, for crafting printable aligned components, cards, boards, on cardboard and plastic, and all the other gritty details of creating a board game of publishable quality. As PNP Arcade sets out on their mission page...

PNP Arcade is looking for games that are printer friendly and can be played with common game components. Games that play well remotely are great too!

Our selection of games are curated therefore not all submissions will be added to the site.

While we wish we could send a personal reply for each submission, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a response due to the number of submissions.

PNP Arcade does not accept games that utilize any form of AI generated art at this time.

Explore the catalogue from PNP Arcade's homepage