Design, Develop, Create

Thursday 15 November 2018

Organising, planning and structuring your writing project

  • Gingko is a free tool which helps you to structure a project and break down your work into more manageable components. 
  • Evernote is a free tool for note taking, organising, and archiving. It will also allow you to clip web pages and attach files to your notes.
  • MindMup is a free mind mapping tool to help with brainstorming, creating presentations and document outlines.
  • Scrivener is a licensed (for fee) application environment for writers. You use it to design and organise your writing with cards (for notes), folders (to store sources and various objects), and text. A scrivening is a composite document that encapsulates all the text documents.

Massive Online Open Courses get real...

After decades of hype and speculation surrounding the potential for digital technology and online services to transform the delivery of third level education appears to have made an impact. FutureLearnCoursera, and edX are setting the standard for public, open, accessible University style education available to almost anyone with an internet connection and, if needed, local material, tools, resources to follow the courses. Coding is particularly well addressed by providers like CodeAcademy through the use of web based run-time environments that do away with the need to install complex tool chains. There is also room for subscription based for profit offerings like Udacity and Udemy in the commercial space, satisfying the demand for specialised training services directed towards proprietary packages and industry skill qualifications in 'trending' or 'buzz' areas like Bitcoin, Blockchain, Data Anaytics, Design Thinking, Big Data, and for tools like Photoshop, Salesforce, and SAP. Some providers like the Khan Academy and straddle the divide between free/open, and for-fee education.

Khan Academy
Codecademy: Learn to code

Wednesday 31 October 2018

More research methods anyone can use

A pointer to an article by Emily Esposito (at - link)

Emily outlines four research categories: primary, secondary, generative, evaluative.
I feel that these categories map more or less closely across the IDEO categories of: look, ask, learn, try

Tuesday 23 October 2018 - methods for research projects

More information about research methods?

Review 'designing with people', an archive of user research and design methods hosted by at the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art.

As a researcher/analyst our job is to observe others in the field, gather traces/evidence, learn from or have our subjects teach us, inquire, prototype, test ideas etc. The various research attitudes (look, ask, learn, try) are simply categories for organising our methods, nor are they necessarily applied in fixed/specific order sequences.

Choose the right methods for your project

The i-design project developed four practical research guide frameworks focusing on: people, activities, methods and ethics (link).

i-design is a joint initiative of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design Royal College of Art, the Engineering Design Centre University of Cambridge, the Well-being Institute University of Cambridge, and the Loughborough Design School University of Loughborough.

Friday 19 October 2018

A standard for information technology security ISO27001:2017

ISO27001:2017 (and related 2700X standards) is the ISO standard for Information Security Management.

Enter NSAI into the UCD Library OneSearch box to bring you to the i2i system. i2i provides catalogue access for UCD Connect accounts. Members of UCD will be able to search for and access standards publications from the ISO, EN and IS (e.g.

Friday 28 September 2018

Thursday 19 April 2018

Building Creative Teams

A short statement on building creative teams.
And a link to the whole collection of Learning Insights from the UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business.

Friday 13 April 2018

The Human Centred Design Kit

Reimagining the shopping cart - IDEO's deep dive process filmed for ABC’s late-night news show Nightline (1999), narrated by Ted Koppel (link).

IDEO have put together a little book on design research ethics - do no harm right! (link)
"Respect your participants!
Some methods depend upon other people, often strangers, sharing generously their time, thoughts, and feelings. Have consideration for their health, safety, privacy, and dignity at all times.
Her are some principles that guide IDEO's interactions with participants:

  • approach people with courtesy
  • identify yourself, your intent, and what you are looking for
  • offer to compensate participants
  • describe how you will use this information and why it's valuable
  • get permission to use the information and any photos or video you take
  • keep all the information you gather confidential
  • let people know they can decline to answer questions or stop participating at any time
  • maintain a nonjudgmental, relaxed, and enjoyable atmosphere" (IDEO, 2003) has also created a set of resources for human-centred design for impact in challenging environments. The Field Guide is a new take on the IDEO design cards which I have used for teaching for a number of years. The examples/cases in the book provide nice illustrations for my students. Go to for Design Kit: The Human-Centered Design Toolkit from IDEO for a range of resources and courses - many free.
Books, guides, and free downloads from

  • From IDEO itself on the Method cards (link).
  • As a diversion, MethodKit have indexed a large collection of social, entertainment, cultural and business purpose card sets (link)

Monday 9 April 2018

The poster presentations

For the group project for “Managing Strategy and Innovation in a Digital Era” students were asked to create posters for an interactive poster presentation session. Photos from the day are attached below.

The class of 2016-17 

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Photos from the design/build challenge 2017-18

Guest lecture: MIS40920 BusInfo Systems Mgt (for ME/MEngSc programmes)

Q115 10-11am, April 4, 2018.
Research articles - discussion of the following articles.
Both articles are readily accessible via the library's OneSearch function.
  • Catmull, E. (2008). How pixar fosters collective creativity. Harvard Business Review, 89(9):9.
  • Hargadon, A. B. and Bechky, B. A. (2006). When collections of creatives become creative collectives: A field study of problem solving at work. Organization Science, 17(4):484– 500.
The situation is... yes and...

Establish an understanding of shared knowledge 
Q: what do I know about...
...writing software? engineering?
...working in teams?

Knowledge of engineering management concepts divulged in class

A framing device for locating creativity along origin and time

Tuesday 20 February 2018

design mapping and idea tools (