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Thursday 15 November 2018

Massive Online Open Courses get real...

After decades of hype and speculation surrounding the potential for digital technology and online services to transform the delivery of third level education appears to have made an impact. FutureLearnCoursera, and edX are setting the standard for public, open, accessible University style education available to almost anyone with an internet connection and, if needed, local material, tools, resources to follow the courses. Coding is particularly well addressed by providers like CodeAcademy through the use of web based run-time environments that do away with the need to install complex tool chains. There is also room for subscription based for profit offerings like Udacity and Udemy in the commercial space, satisfying the demand for specialised training services directed towards proprietary packages and industry skill qualifications in 'trending' or 'buzz' areas like Bitcoin, Blockchain, Data Anaytics, Design Thinking, Big Data, and for tools like Photoshop, Salesforce, and SAP. Some providers like the Khan Academy and straddle the divide between free/open, and for-fee education.

Khan Academy
Codecademy: Learn to code