World Café exercise
4/5 people per group max
#1. Find words. Individual activity – 7” quiet, write notes.
#2. Share. Connect, cluster, name, move, organize, link
This happens on a shared wall/whiteboard
#3. Assign champions.
#4. 10”/round. Others move around over three rounds. Champion gives each a voice. Champion facilitates a conversation. Champion helps scribe.
First move; second move; third move.
#5a. 3” Champion synthesis. Devise a single key discovery and debrief to the wider group.
#5b. Alternate synthesis. 30" arrange a coffee break for the participants and the champions to come together to harness the materials that were gathered during the group rounds. Create a distillation/synthesis by drawing, sketching, writing, and/or typing up, a sense-making dialogue or cartoon or flow diagram or combination of all, to present by way of debriefing to the wider group. Will you ask them to create a combined synthesis or separate?