Design, Develop, Create

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Writing a precis

The commentary or précis of a reading/article conveys what you understood, learnt, and how you might use the knowledge. Consider expanding your commentary to include a section for a critical or analytical interpretation, i.e. what is the intention of the authors, who is the audience, how valid are the claims?

Style #1. Simple Q&A pattern...
  • Q: Who are the authors?
  • Q: What is your key takeaway from this article?
  • Q: Can you highlight one key quote for the audience?
  • Q: What do you think is the value or importance of this article?
  • Q: So where are we today in terms of this topic?
  • Q: another question?

Style #2. Written paragraph or section pattern...
  • Sentence 1:Name of author, genre, and title of work, date in parenthesis; a rhetorically accurate verb (such as "claims," "argues," "asserts," "suggests"); and a THAT clause containing the major assertion or thesis statement in the work. 
  • Sentence 2: An explanation of HOW the author develops and supports the thesis, usually in chronological order. 
  • Sentence 3: A statement of the author's apparent purpose, followed by an "in order to" phrase. 
  • Sentence 4: A significant quote from the paper used in a sentence.

Writing tips:

Focus on the article being reviewed, not so much on other readings, books, articles etc.

Please do identify key quotes from the article. These a short statements or at most a sentence or two that distil some essential aspect of the article. A key quote is used: to point to the authors' evidence or claims; to make a justification for your own arguments; to act as a foundation for your own ideas. However, there must be clear delineation between the authors' content and your use of it.

  • For quotes: use quotation marks followed by cite.
  • For paraphrasing: follow with cite.
  • For extracts and transformations like lists and tables: explain source followed by cite.
  • When reviewing, do not quote the author's quotes of other authors. Instead, quote an original passage written by the author of the article you are reviewing.

Please use double quotation marks and page number to identify "the quoted text" p. 23. You could apply one of the standard citation methods if you like e.g. Harvard style:

  • (Surname et al., Publication Year, p.#)
  • (Surname et al., Publication Year, pp.#-range)
Something like "some text" (Surname et al, 2033, p.7), or similar according to the citation standard required for the document.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Relax and play

Take timeout and feel free to play some of the Board Games in the Smurfit restaurant...
  1. Ticket to Ride
  2. Saboteur
  3. Hanabi
  4. Ubongo – (completely in german)
  5. Bang!
  6. Love Letter 
  7. Dixit
  8. Carcassone + Carcassone Expansion box 
  9. Stratego
  10. Risk

Exercise: World Café (and Word Cloud)

World Café exercise

The World Café: A method to learn from and harness the power of groups.

4/5 people per group max

#1. Find words. Individual activity – 7” quiet, write notes.

#2. Share. Connect, cluster, name, move, organize, link

  This happens on a shared wall/whiteboard

#3. Assign champions.

#4. 10”/round. Others move around over three rounds. Champion gives each a voice. Champion facilitates a conversation. Champion helps scribe.

  First move; second move; third move.

#5a. 3” Champion synthesis. Devise a single key discovery and debrief to the wider group.

#5b. Alternate synthesis. 30" arrange a coffee break for the participants and the champions to come together to harness the materials that were gathered during the group rounds. Create a distillation/synthesis by drawing, sketching, writing, and/or typing up, a sense-making dialogue or cartoon or flow diagram or combination of all, to present by way of debriefing to the wider group. Will you ask them to create a combined synthesis or separate?

Word Cloud. An extra step, visualising words

What are the challenges of digital innovation?

Enter your response in the following form.

Admin to paste and share the results in the word cloud generator (free and requires no download).