Design, Develop, Create

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Disproving the Mythical Man-Month With DevOps?

In the article "What CIOs need to know about microservices and DevOps" Carla Rudder interviewing Anders Wallgren (link) on the topic of so-called 'micro-services', Wallgren states...
"you can actually start to beat the Mythical Man-Month (i.e. the long-standing theory that adding people to a project lowers, rather than increases, velocity)."
Hmmm, with 'micro-services' I presume he is presenting software system architecture made up of atomic independent elements? How tenable is that argument, really? Is it widely applicable or even achievable in reality? And what, if anything, is the significance of DevOps specialism, processes, operations, to his claim and assertion? Isn't DevOps culture and attitude about uptime, stability, scaleable secure deployments? Should DevOps be the place for the white heat of creative design and development?

Mature organisations have development environments that tend to an ideal arrangement, i.e. regular (daily/weekly) stable builds with customer releases occurring quarterly or less frequently. Much of the open source world achieves this level of responsivity, a flexible a mix of iterative/agile + staged releases. However, release/releasability is not the same as being able to scale ramping of new feature development.

Ref. for counter-arguments see the balanced and sane (for Slashdot) discussion on Slashdot (link)